When They Win, You Win by Vlad Cazacu


My new book, available now on Amazon and at select retailers!


Did you know that 90% of start-ups fail?
Have you ever wondered why some entrepreneurs make it big while others don't?
What can we do differently?

These are the questions that inspired me to write When They Win, You Win, an original look into some of the most ingenious techniques being used in modern entrepreneurship support and venture capitalism today. Using what I describe as the Human Approach to supporting founders, more successful ventures and better performing teams will be created. The book follows the development of entrepreneurship support programs across the globe and their recent change in focus from a startup-centered model to this human(founder)-centered model.


  • How incubators and accelerators around the world are deploying a human approach to creating more successful ventures and better performing teams

  • Why only 2% of venture capital money goes to women founders and how we can change that

  • How successful tech start-ups like Reddit & Yelp leveraged support early on to grow into large companies

  • What a startup studio is and how this model could be the future of entrepreneurship support

  • Why large enterprises struggle to innovate and how they are protecting themselves from disruptive startups

Business books stacked on a table

Through research and thought-provoking interviews with leaders and entrepreneurial mavericks, When They Win, You Win compiles some of the most captivating insights on innovation, entrepreneurship support, and the way success is built in the modern world.

You will love this book if you are excited about the future, new technologies, new products and have always wondered about how we could speed up the entrepreneurial process and let the creative people do their work more efficiently.

Founders working on a project

When They Win, You Win is a book that speaks both to entrepreneurs and their supporters, be it investors or program managers. It is for the people who are looking at reshaping their programs and the ones starting or joining one for the first time.

But don’t take my word for it! See what others have to say about it…

In the last two decades we have learned how to teach entrepreneurship and to systematize innovation. When They Win, You Win will be an important contribution to the international discussion about how best to support the startups that will create tomorrow’s jobs and prosperity into the future.
— Hugh Mason, co-founder and CEO at JFDI.Asia and adjunct associate professor at National University of Singapore
Vlad’s examination of the startups of yesterday and today focuses on the most important, yet often overlooked, piece of the puzzle… the individuals that build, support, and inspire the ideas that we rely on. While the text is rich with detail, it never ignores the core principles, or blue collar aspects of the journey.
— Julian Clayton, vice president at WeWork
Vlad has already accomplished more than most will do in their careers. This book is a reflection of his ability to find great people, ask keen questions, and clearly articulate actionable insights. I recommend this book to everyone-especially those who want to harness the wisdom of rapid innovation to help further their own careers.
— Mike Lightman, managing partner at Big Idea Ventures
Vlad Cazacu turns the entrepreneur into the investor and the investor into the entrepreneur, showing each the power of Humanism in our new world order. Before an idea is pitched or a dollar invested, both parties must read When They Win, You Win.
— Anne Ruh Clauss, author of Use Your Brain
I firmly believe that great ventures are simply the side effect of a great team; and in turn, a great team is the side effect of great individuals working together. In this book, Vlad skilfully reminds us that nurturing the people first, with a more human-centric approach to entrepreneurial support, ultimately leads to more successful founders, and thus, more successful ventures.
— Dan Khan, founder and CEO at ZeroPoint Ventures
The work that Vlad has done in collecting the stories of individuals pushing the envelope is inspiring! It’s great to read about others making a difference in their communities across the entire world.
— Jeff Slobotski, founder at Router Ventures