Vlad Cazacu

Let’s collaborate on something awesome!

I have worked with entrepreneurs around the world and helped them better understand their product strategy, go-to-market strategy, and more.

I have hosted dozens of events and workshops centered around design thinking, rapid prototyping, customer discovery, and the entrepreneurial journey. I love working with young founders and helping them create an amazing future. I’m also passionate about assisting others to develop entrepreneurial communities and better support their own founders too.

On a regular day, you’ll find me teaching, coaching, speaking at an event or in a coffee shop meeting exciting innovators. When I am not running around, I practice mindfulness through yoga and meditation and geek about the future, process optimization, and the automation of the workforce.

Every day of work Vlad not only brought this work ethic but demonstrated his creativity, intellect, willingness to take risks, and big picture thinking. His competency is not to be underestimated.
— Grant Dever, Author of Lead The Future and former Community Manager at iZone

If you think I can be of value to you, let’s get in contact and see how we could collaborate.

Vlad Cazacu hosting a workshop for founders

for founders & their startups

I have seen the entrepreneurial journey through many lenses: as a founder, as a design thinking consultant, and as a venture capitalist. This broad exposure to the startup world in North America gave me a unique perspective on what builds a great startup. I can be most helpful with:

  • Early-stage assumption testing and customer discovery strategy

  • Building the road from zero to MVP

  • Designing effective decks and pitching to investors


Vlad Cazacu speaking at a panel about innovation

for Startup supporters

If you are building a startup support unit, be it a platform role in a VC or CVC, an accelerator, incubator, or co-working space, we can geek together about how to optimize for ROI and provide the most value to your founders. I can be most helpful with:

  • Programming, event strategy, and ecosystem building

  • Resource planning and optimization

  • KPI selection and process building