Vlad Cazacu

Looking for your next audience energizer? Let’s chat! 

Since 2011 I have been on 50+ stages. no shenanigans, just real talk.

I have been a theater actor for 6 years performing all around Romania and winning over a dozen national and international prizes in drama. Since then I re-purposed my stage skills to create other types of amazing experiences.

I have hosted and presented over 15 events ranging from charitable parties to fashion shows and most recently a TEDx event. Dad jokes come included in the package.


In the past couple of years, I have started speaking at events and on panels about:

  • Student Entrepreneurship

  • Angel Investing and SPV formation

  • Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

  • The Human Approach to Supporting Founders

I am now open to speaking opportunities in the US and Canada for Fall 2021.

Interested in collaborating?

Heck yeah! Fill out this form, and we’ll get back to you:
