Vlad Cazacu

Helping innovators build an incredible future.


Hey there, I’m Vlad Cazacu. I’m an investor, published author, and founder working and living in Miami, FL.


I’m on a mission to help innovators around the world build an incredible future for all of us! One community, one company, and one founder at a time.

Ever since I was a child, I was fascinated by the future. From the latest breakthroughs in medical technology to productivity-enhancers, robots, and automated systems. Only later in life did I realize I could not only be one of the people building those things but also the one helping others do the same. I soon made the decision that I will not wait for the future to happen, I will help build it!

Vlad is an outstanding young man who can be an entrepreneur, a scholar, an author and a community leader, all at the same time, all while still completing his studies. The future really belongs to him!
— Cristian Mandachescu, Chief Risk Officer at iCreditWorks and former Chief Risk Officer at Scotiabank US

Throughout the years I have worn many hats. Looking back at what I’ve done, who I’ve been, and who I am today, I realize I am a geek about technology, the venture space, and the future. How I have expressed this passion and intellectual pursuit varied but now I can certainly say that:

I am an investor

As an Investor with Fuel Venture Capital in Coconut Grove, I partner with world-class founders building solutions in the Enterprise Infrastructure space at Series A and B. Having previously led the US East Cost for Assure Syndicates, a group of 800 angel investors and family offices where I led 11 investments, and having spent time at ff Venture Capital in NYC and VU Venture Partners in SF, I bring a broad set of experiences in the fundraising market and can guide funders through the process, make introductions, and help consolidate angel investors via SPVs.

I am an author

On July 27th, 2019 I published my first book, When They Win, You Win: A More Human Approach to Supporting Entrepreneurship, which is now available on Amazon. Two years prior to that I started researching the effectiveness of university-affiliated entrepreneurial resources and later expanded the scope to include startup studios, incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces.

I am a community builder

I love bringing people together and fostering an environment for them to challenge their ideas and geek about the future. If you are a young innovator thinking about the next big thing, no matter the stage you are in, you will enjoy one of our gatherings at The Borderless Society.

I am a consultant

Whether working for Deloitte Consulting, the Barbara J. Burger iZone, or freelancing, I have helped over a hundred amazing founders get a better understanding of their ideas. I specialize in design thinking, customer discovery, early-stage innovation, and BizOps process optimization.

I am a speaker

Since 2011 I have been on over 50 stages on two continents. Initially as an actor, then as an event host and speaker, I have gathered the skills and confidence to energize audiences and deliver value, not just entertainment.

If you are interested in collaborating on world-changing projects, let me know in the Contact section and we can chat!

Much love,

Vlad Cazacu